Jesus Christ-THE KING

Generally when we think about Jesus, we think of Him in the context of His role as Savior of the world. This of course is correct, considering that God the Father, sent Jesus to the Earth with the specific intent of dying for the sins of the world (John 3:16). However, we must remember that not only was Jesus the Savior of the world, He was also born a King. This is significant, because if we don’t keep in mind the Kingly Ministry of Jesus Christ, we won’t be fully in touch with the role God has ordained for us to fulfill as ambassadors of His Kingdom.

In dealing with the birth of Jesus, the Gospel of Saint Matthew makes it clear that Jesus was born a King (Matthew 2). Jesus further reiterates this in the Gospel of John, when Pilate asks Him is He a king, and Jesus responds, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born…” (John 18). This is not a mystery to many of us. However, I believe that many Christians think of the Kingship of Jesus in reference to Him being “King of the Jews.” This too is correct, but His Kingship is deeper than that.

Keep in mind that Jesus is referred to as the “last Adam” (1Corinthians 15). The reason why Jesus is often referred to in the Gospels as the “Son of Man”, is because He, like Adam before Him, were the only men who walked the earth in a pure sinless state. So Jesus was fulfilling the original role that Adam had been ordained to play.

In further making this point, let us explore the role of Satan. Have you ever wondered why Jesus refers to him as the “prince of this world”(John 16)? Prince is a title of rank and rulership. The reason why Jesus refers to Satan this way is because when Adam disobeyed God in what is described as “The Fall,” his dominion (Genesis 1) was then relinquished and given to Satan. Satan only has power because man gave it to him. That’s why Jesus did not argue with him when he stated that he could give Him all the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4).

Saints, Jesus didn’t only die so that all of our sins could be forgiven, He also came to reclaim what Adam relinquished! Now the dominion that Adam originally had, as king of the world, which he willingly abdicated to Satan (thus making him the prince of the world), has now been restored back to Christ through His death, burial and resurrection. Jesus is now the King of the world!

Why is this significant for us as believers? Because saints, if you are in Christ, you too now are part of the rulership of the world. That’s why Jesus makes it clear that we have all power over the enemy (Luke 10). That’s why He describes us as “kings and priests” (Revelation 1). If Satan is raising hell on earth, it’s only because there aren’t enough Christians exercising their Divine Authority in Christ to bring enough Heaven down from above. Saints, don’t just serve Christ as Savior, worship Him as THE KING.